Remote Learning
Verbs- Post 2
This year, I was newly hired at school in Astoria, New York. I was placed in a 4th-grade class with both general and special ed students. My immediate reaction to this news was that I was a bit nervous. I had never had an integrated class. My only and prior experience was with a self-contained special education class with only 12 students. This was going to be a new and exciting experience for me and I could not wait to start working. I later found out that this was not going to be my only challenge.
A few days later I found out from the principal that I was going to be teaching a remote learning class that was strictly online with no in-person instruction. The requirements for remote learning include; students being on online meets every day from 8:30 to 1:55, students actively participating daily and completing online assignments, and following the same daily rules as they would in an in-school classroom. I immediately felt nervous for both myself and the students. This was going to be a long day of staring at a computer screen all day. I decided that I wanted to make it as fun and as interactive as possible for my students.
I started to research some fun websites and tools that I could try and include in my google classroom. I enjoy using a website called "GoNoodle", which is a website where students can watch videos that they can follow and dance along to. There are also videos about mindfulness, which is a good calming tool to use when students may get a little too hyperactive or lose focus.
I also started to incorporate interactive games that keep students actively thinking. One game I enjoy playing is called "The picnic game" where the teacher comes up with a rule and if the students follow the rule they can bring the item or object they say to the picnic. The goal is for every student to eventually figure out the rule based on what other students are allowed to bring. This game stimulates thinking and gets the students' minds working in different ways.
Another game I play with my students is called "detective". One student gets chosen to leave the meet, that student is called the detective. Then a student that is still in the meet gets chosen. That student is the leader. The leader does different gestures and hand movements in the camera and everyone else have to follow them. Then the detective rejoins the meet and has to figure out who the leader is.
Hired: (Verb). to take on as a worker for money or other reward.
Going: (Verb). to move; travel.
Working: (Verb) The use of energy or effort to achieve a result by doing or making something: labor
Interactive: (Verb). to respond to one another in a social situation.
Actively: (Adverb). in a way that involves making an effort, taking action, or participating.
Research: (Noun, Verb). careful study of something in order to find out information about it.
Allowed: (Verb). to let; permit.
Stimulates:(Verb). to bring about to activity or action
Vocabulary Practice:
Tommy was __________ to the park.
The salesclerk __________ the girl to work at the grocery store
Jen was _______ towards getting her master's degree
The teacher wanted a __________a classroom so, she did a lot of class discussions.
Part of her grade was to _________ partipate during class.
The dog was not ___________ to go into the park.
In order to ___________ conversation, the teacher asked an engaging question.
This passage contains lots of different verbs. Verbs can be defined as actions or states of being. I verb can be in past, present or future tense. Notice how all of the verbs in above have a subject that is using the verb. Write 3 sentences with a subject (what the sentence is about) and a verb (the action the subject is using). Circle the subject and underline your verbs.
Watch this video below to learn more about verbs.
Hi, Alyssa! I don't blame you for being nervous to do remote learning...I would be too! I'm so glad you were able to find interactive and fun websites to help keep your students entertained but still thinking. The vocabulary words you picked for this post were great!
ReplyDeleteYou did very well in developing your online classes. the activities sound like they are so much fun. Good vocabulary and grammar sections! I think mindfulness would have to be defined for your ESL students.