Dancing with the Star
Every Tuesday my friend and I watch Dancing with the Stars. It is a show where famous celebrities learn how to ballroom dance. Each celebrity is paired with a professional dancer that teaches them a new dance style every week. Celebrities learn styles of dance such as the Foxtrot, the Chacha, Pasodoble, and many others. Each week the couple perform and a judged by three judges. Each judge can give a score out of 10 out of a perfect score of 30. It is very exciting to watch your favorite celebrity on TV and root for them during their journey on the show. As the weeks progress, the dances get better and better and the score gets higher. It is a fun show to watch as the competition dwindles down.
Celebrities: : (noun) people that are famous
Ballroom Dance: (noun) different styles of paired dancing
Professional:(adjective) someone extremely skilled in their occupation
Style: (noun) different types of dances
Perform: (verb) to showcase one's skills
Judged: (verb) to form an opinion based on the given
Journey: (noun) a right of passage in finding oneself
Competition: (noun) an affair in which people are competing or going against one another
Vocabulary Exercise: Fill in the blank
One of my favorite things to do is to watch my favorite _____________ sing or _________ on stage. I like how each celebrity has a different _______. I alwayed ________ cebrities based on their performance but I should start judging them on how _____________ they are. One of my favorite performances to watch was when my two favorite celebrities ________ _________ during their performance. This made for some real __________ with other celebrities. The truth is that its all about one __________ to find themselves and what their fans will love.
Grammar Point:
This blog has lots of different uses of different nouns. There are both common nouns and proper nouns in this blog. Proper nouns are easier to identify, they usually start with a capital letter. Common nouns do not always start with a capital letter.
ex. Celebrities learn styles of dance such as the Foxtrot, the Chacha, Pasodoble, and many others.
Write 5 sentences with both a proper noun and a common noun. Be sure to capitalize your proper noun.
Learn more about proper/common nouns:
I agree with you. "Dancing with the Stars" is very entertaining. I really admire the hard work that the non-dancers put into learning how to dance beautifully. I can't dance at all!